Image Smith Developer Transfer
As per our e-mail message on January 26th, 2014, we have transferred some of our apps to new developers! Image Smith, an app that you own, is now owned by MacAppWare.
Version 2 customers can contact MacAppWare directly after downloading their new version to receive a complimentary (at no cost) Version 2 serial. Version 1.x customers of Image Smith can obtain an upgrade to version 2 for only $2.00 during a limited time!
Free Upgrade from Version 2.x
Upgrade from Version 1.x
Should you wish to stay with the Koingo version of the app, your license will never expire and we will keep the download links active. However, we will also not be releasing a new version or supporting the old one.
Other products we have recently discontinued and have transferred to new developers are: Amnesia and Window Magician. We will issue a statement about these two apps next week.
Our other flagship applications will remain at Koingo! These include apps like Data Guardian, Librarian Pro, MacCleanse and MacPilot; however, we are actively seeking developers to take over some of our other titles. If this interests you, please contact us for a quote.