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There are a few important changes happening to your account over at Koingo Software. Thank you in advance for taking the time to read all of these notes. At the bottom of this message, we've included a couple special thank-you bonuses for reading this.

First, something fun:
We're desperately looking for Mystery Island (not Mystery Island II) that we released back about ten years ago. There were not that many copies downloaded (maybe 100), but will pay a premium for anyone who can send us a copy from their archives. For more information, read this article. In addition, we'll also throw in a free copies of all of our software.

To clear up any confusion about activating your product with us:
Under the "Software" tab in your account on our web site, you can view how many activations you are allowed for a certain product and the last time you reset your activation counts. You can reset all of your counts on this page once yearly back to zero if you hit your limit.

An activation is used up every time you have to re-enter your e-mail address into one of our products to unlock the trial — not every time you update the software from the internet. Ideally, once you activate, you should never have to reactivate again. However, if have to for some reason, you can activate an unlimited number of times on the same machine without burning up an additional activation.

Manual activation has been removed due to an incredibly high level of abuse, frustration, and technical glitches. It just wasn't meant to be! If you want us to send you a special pre-registered preferences file, just submit a trouble ticket on our site. Definitely a lot easier if you are having troubles activating!

To move your software to a new computer without having to reactivate, simply copy over the preferences file (com.koingosw....) on Mac OS X, or on Windows, export the registry settings and re-import on the new machine. 

Sometimes it's easy to forget to update software on your computer, and recently we've realized that some older versions will never report when an update is available. YIKES! Updates are very important and often fix critical bugs or add new features. More often than not, they're also free.

We've recently added a new feature to your account profile in the last year that lets you subscribe to updates via e-mail. This means, for example, if Alarm Clock Pro is updated, you can have us automatically e-mail you with the release notes and download link.

  1. Login to your customer account (you can reset your password on the login page as well).
  2. Click the user icon (second one in) to access your profile.
  3. Check or uncheck the Newsletter checkbox to modify your subscription to important announcements like this one.
  4. Scroll down to "Software Update Notifications" and check all the products you wish to be informed about.
  5. Click Update Profile.

Please remember to take the time to visit our software on or and post a review based on your experience with it. If you ever have any concerns or questions, please always give our technical support team a shout and we'll do our best to help.

While we no longer officially support Mac OS X 10.4 or lower and the system requirements for every product now read 10.5 or higher, many of them will still work just fine on older systems even dating back to Mac OS X 10.2. The only catch being we won't fix bugs to be backwards compatible in those versions anymore.

Thanks for reading this. As a thank you, we've added a special feature that will allow you to upgrade ANY of your software for free for the next week (ends August 25) through our upgrades storefront.

If you're already on the latest versions of our products, we've also set up a special discount for previous customers that will get you 75% off ANY Koingo Software software title you want! That's an incredible savings! That offer expires September 1st.

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